Practical Course. Past Life Recalls

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Жанр: английский язык, практическая эзотерика, саморазвитие / личностный рост.

Автор книги: Imagika

Practical Course. Past Life Recalls

Про что книга

Three years ago, we received information that people who managed to remember their past incarnations can review the events of past lives and solve many burning issues.
At that time, one of the authors had health problems so she thought that it would be useful for her as well to look for an answer in the depths of her subconscious. This method had helped so many people, hence it might be helpful for her too.
It was this information that moved her to begin studying the methods of recalling past lives. It so happened that she met a person, who remembered her previous life in a dream. We studied different techniques and started practicing. Soon some more people who also were motivated joined us.
This book describes the results of three-year experience of recalling past lives, in the form of a practical course and diary entries.
With the help of exercises from this practical course, anyone can recall past lives without a regression therapist. Everything is in your hands!

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