She is Louise

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Жанр: любовно-фантастические романы, любовное фэнтези.

Автор книги: Мария Денисовна Хруль, Мария Денисовна Хруль, Ольга Денисовна Хруль

She is Louise

Про что книга

Do you like listening to butterflies` singing? Perhaps you even have wings on your back? If yes, then you are a resident of two different worlds, like Louise, who has yet to make a choice – love or magic? True or false? Feelings or a game? Louise lives in a world unlike ours – she is surrounded by Nature in all its glory. The girl is brought up by a nanny, and just a few steps from her house is the border with the world of people – the City. People in the City have been sleeping for many years – they don’t want anything, and there is no one to love. But there is one boy in that world to whom Louise has given her heart forever. Will a twelve-year-old girl be able to save a house from destruction, learn to fly and reconcile people with nature if her heart cries because she really loves?

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