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Жанр: метафизика.
Автор книги: Ernest Sosa, Jaekwon Kim, Gary S. Rosenkrantz, Wiley
Про что книга
Fully extended and revised, <i><b>A Companion to Metaphysics 2nd Edition</b></i> includes a section of detailed review essays from renowned metaphysicians, and the addition of more than 30 new encyclopedic entries, taking the number of entries to over 300. <ul> <li>Includes revisions to existing encyclopedic entries</li> <li>Features more than 30 all-new «A to Z» entries</li> <li>Offers a section of in-depth, essays from renowned metaphysicians</li> <li>Provides the most complete and up-to-date reference guide for students and professionals alike</li> </ul>